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Itchy Irritated Ears - Stop them Scratching - 60ml

Itchy Irritated Ears - Stop them Scratching - 60ml


Oils: Black Caraway, Jojoba, Fractionated Coconut, Nettle, Chickweed & Horsetail herb infused Olive.

Essential Oils: Oregano & Tea Tree.

  • Causes & Instructions


    Smelly dogs ears can usually mean bacterial, yeast infection or ear mites. Dogs with floppy ears are more prone to ear issues and are more likely to have Itchy irritated ears . Mites that can also cause intense Itchy irritated ears and will have your dogs scratching their ears constantly.

    Our ear oil is designed to combat bacterial, fungal infection and to get rid of mites and soothe Itchy irritated ears .


    Repeat every few days, using pipette to put drops inside ears.
    Small Dog  1-2 drops
    Medium Dog  3-4 drops
    Large Dog  5-6 drops

    After putting drops inside ear or ears, hold head to one side for 15 or so seconds, allowing drops to penetrate ear canal, massage gently on base of ear before allowing dog to shake head.

    In addition, you can rub some of the oil using cotton wool on inside of outer ear.


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