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Nasal Tanning Sprays!! Are you having a giraffe!!

Writer: Soap NinjaSoap Ninja

Summer is here, white skins need a boost. Tanning products, such as nasal sprays that claim to accelerate tanning, are being promoted by influencers on social media sites, TikTok and Instagram. Many will promote these goods without knowing anything about them.

So, beware!!

However, one can understand why they are being successfully promoted. Anything to save people from the hours of sunbathing needed to get a tan; and some fans of the products have been reported to say, when challenged with the possible dangers of their application;-

they would rather die hot than live ugly”.

Promoters of the method, with little evidence to prove it, also say that fair skinned people are able to tan without too much sun exposure using this process. One can begin to see the superficial attractions of the products, specially when you add that it may possibly increase your libido whilst lowering your appetite. Too much to resist?

What’s in these nasal tanning products ?

A common ingredient in many of these sprays is Melanotan. This stimulates a natural increase in your skins melanin production, hence the tanning.

What is Melanotan ?

Melanotan works by replicating the function of naturally occurring melanocortin peptides, which are involved in the pigmentation of your skin, it also acts as a catalyst to stimulate the production of melanin throughout the body, hence darkening your skin colour.

There are two types of Melanotan;

Melanotan 1 which is generally considered much more effective because it provides quicker results and Melanotan 2 which is used in the nasal sprays and is much slower. However, some people have found the latter results in a more natural looking tan.

Melanotan2, is a synthetically produced hormone, originally developed at Arizona University to combat cancer, it is also known as MT2, but it's now widely utilized as a tanning injectable peptide. However, the main ingredient, Melanotan, is banned in several countries, including the United States and Australia, and can pose some serious health risks such as vomiting, skin changes, and involuntary movement.

Do they Work ?

Melanotan 1 and Melanotan 2 have both been tested in small clinical trials. These have generally found that they can increase levels of melanin, as they are meant to do, and could provide some protection against sunburn and the DNA damage that accompanies it. So, Melanotan development may be on the right track, but it has to be stressed, the studies are in their early stages. Much more research is required. So far, no regulatory body in any country has approved either of these products.

Is using Melanotan illegal ?

I certanly couldn't find the product on Amazon or Ebay UK. However, I did find empty bottles on Ebay. Melanotan is not illegal to use in the UK. You can still acquire and use Melanotan it with absolutely no legal ramifications. However, the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (click link to see what they say) have banned the high-street sale of it.

Possible Side Effects – at a minimum can cause, nausea, flushing and increased blood pressure.

Will it ever become mainstream ?

It could be, that in the future, with proper research and testing, nasal tanning sprays may be deemed safe and a useful way of tanning the skin, but at present there are too many unknowns and too many cowboys trying to make a “quick buck”, with potentially dangerous consequences.

So, for the time being we recommend you stay safe and carry on using the tried and tested way, meaning a combination of sun and sunscreen.


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